Sunday, August 12, 2018

Mark Riello's Debut: The 5 Worst Feelings in the Game of Life (From Worst to Least Worst)

Guys. Hey. It's been a while.

I always figured I'd find my way back here like a loyal house cat, but this post is not about me. Actually, neither is this blog anymore. I'd like to announce that I'm temporarily handing over the reigns of 10 AM in Philly to my guy Mark Riello, who's here to make his blogging debut with a little list he came up mostly fueled by post-fantasy draft adrenaline (the best kind of adrenaline).

And with that shameless self-promotion right there, it's time to throw it to Mr. Riello. Take it away kid.
(Sorry about the white highlight, I have no idea why that happened and couldn't figure out how to get rid of it...enjoy)

The 5 Worst Feelings in the Game of Life (From Worst to Least Worst)

Losing a Bet


The only time I wish I didn’t like sports is when I get that kick in my brain that a baseball team is a 100% lock in the middle of a 162 game season.


I could lose a $5 4-team parlay and I feel like Kurt Cobain after all the drugs. Imagine I actually had money. Bless up, poor for life (*praying hands emoji*)

Getting Blacked Out and Having Sex

I compare this one to getting a 95 on a test, but you’re in the class full of kids who can’t even pass public high school.

You know you finished the job, but the rest is left up to the imagination. Maybe you throw some good dick around, but you can’t even remember and it becomes like, “What was the point of ever wasting that time?” You swear the dick was actually good.

But then you keep thinking about it.

Was it bad dick?

The fuck man it’s an absolute mystery at that point, and what’s worse is it becomes impossible to learn from your mistakes.

Feeling Like Someone You Love is Doing Ten Times Better Than You

I know, heavy.

Look, I want everyone in this world to do good because if that was the case I’d feel better. It’s like being on the Spurs or the Patriots. You don’t have to be good but as long as your there and everyone else is doing good you still win. However, this is just where my inner psychopath comes into play. I just can’t help thinking about what the person I’m talking to has over me, even if it’s with my friends. Who doesn’t want to be the guy who can brag about what you doing, and not even on some arrogant shit just like “Hey look what I got going on.” But instead your just like “Fuck yeah” I might be good but this person I fuck with is better than me so what’s the fucking point? It’s like I want you to be Bill Gates, but then I want to be Jeff Bezos, you know?


It’s like if I was the worst Molina and still made the major leagues. THE FUCKING MAJOR LEAGUES PEOPLE. I’d feel like a person who grew up poor with no parents and raised his siblings but still died in the same hood he was born. I know it’s fucked up, I get it, but I can’t control my brain. Honestly, I’ve really come to now think this is the most underrated terrible feeling.

Watching the New York Mets When They’re Playing the Best Baseball Ever

People. Hear me out.

90% of the issues in my brain and the reasoning behind the uncountable absolutely awful decisions I’ve made in my life can be attributed to these motherfuckers. Obviously to get this you need to know every time something looks like it going to be good it immediately gets matched with something that is the WORST possible thing that could happen.

Example: Mets signed All-Star and source-of-major-trust-issues-for-many-Mets-fans Jason Bay to a mega-contract. The same day: it comes out that the team lost 2 billion as the biggest investor in the infamous Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Of course.

You may be thinking, “Mark how do u let a shitty sports team affect you this much”.

Man, I just really don’t know. If I had the answer maybe I wouldn’t be addicted to shit sports teams and I probably could’ve ended up with a degree and became a salesman or accountant or some shit. What I do know is that it’s a real thing, because you can see it in every Mets fan. You can spot the pain in their eyes. It looks like their grandmother just died, but nah it’s just them thinking about how their blood is 99% loser and how much time they waste hoping for something impossible.

That being said…stay strong all my miserable Mets fans out there. We miserable together. #MetTape  

“Son/daughter I’m not mad at you ......... (pause that goes on for eternity) I’m JUST disappointed

We all know that statement.

Every single kid growing up, the one thing we all have in common, every fucking one of us from the South to the North Pole, is that statement is the ultimate gut punch. And what’s crazy is that I think the shittier the parents are the worst it feels. And I’m all in on how little the parents think that actually means compared to how fucked up it is to hear your parents tell you they’re disappointed in you.

Because when your parents are proud on you, it feels like you just hit a 10,000,000,000 bet on McGregor vs Khabib. But then on the other end of the spectrum it feels like I just got sent away to a clinic with Johnny Manziel, Lamar Odom, Josh Gordon, and the guy from Mighty Ducks who looks like a crack head (you know who I’m talking about).

It’s that word. Disappointed. It’s forever the most powerful sentence a parent can break out, and it absolutely levels you every time. 

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